The UB Toner Blog
Meet Brittany - She loves UB Toner!
We recently met up with Brittany, a personal trainer, former gymnast and kinesiology graduate who’s been using UB Toner and asked her to share her opinion with us in some short clips.
Here were her initial comments about the toner
Here, Britt tells us about her favorite things about the toner
Since we know the question on everyone’s mind is, does the toner actually work? We asked Brittany to comment on what kind of results she’d think you’d see.
Thanks for watching! Expect to see more of Brittany - she's part of the UB Toner Family now!
- Christina Crowe
5 Ways to Stay Motivated to Keep Fit this Summer
Oh June, what a beautiful, wet (for some) and wondrous month!. In our part of the world, June signals a favorite beginning for many; the beginning of summer! If you have children who are in school and sports, I am willing to bet June (right alongside it’s cousin September) might be one of your busiest times of year. Final dance recitals, swim meets, piano lessons, t-ball games and of course the last days of school are all crammed into 2 crazy weeks, with endless celebrations, good-byes, graduations and parties. We cram it all in, dreaming of those dog days of summer until’s here...and we go from busy to, well, a whole lot of glorious nothing.
If you’re anything like me, sometimes going from everything to nothing has an affect on my motivation. Being busy drives us to schedule, plan and commit and when it comes to our fitness routines, this is what works best for many. The “lazy” nature that summertime can bring, can sometimes allow that routine-free freedom to creep it’s way right into our own self-care. But, it doesn’t have to be that way.
Here are 5 great ways you can keep fitness top of mind this summer, so you can sail into the fall feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and healthy!
- Pair up! Summer is all about mingling with friends and family, why not make fitness a part of your get-togethers? Ask a friend to go on a walk in the morning before you start your day or commit to a weekly fitness class, where you invite a new family member each week (it’s a great excuse to connect with those we don’t see enough).
- Get outside. When the weather warms up, the last thing we want to do is spend time indoors, so find ways to bring fitness outside instead. Run outdoors, instead of on a treadmill, bring your free weights out to the backyard or do yoga in the park. Nothing feels like work, when your simultaneously working on your tan right?
- Incorporate Fitness Into your family vacation plans. Bring your bikes on your next camping trip, explore the city you are visiting by foot or make running on the beach a family affair
- Who doesn’t like a good challenge? If you have kids, challenge them to choose an activity where you'll get your heart rate up for at least 60 minutes each day (let each kid choose the activity to keep them motivated). If you don’t have kids, try this challenge with your spouse or a friend. The possibilities are endless.
- Use UB Toner. And of course we couldn’t end our list without incorporating our favorite, on-the-go workout device, UB Toner! We all know how hard it can be to schedule in gym time, not to mention factoring in the time it takes to drive to and from. Instead, why not work-out in the comfort of your own home or backyard? Combine UB Toner’s upper body workout with some lunges, squats and planks and you’ve got yourself a full-body workout! Bonus, you can incorporate UB Toner into any of the suggestions listed above! You’re welcome; we’ve already got you started!
From everyone at UB Toner, we wish you a relaxing, restful and healthy summer!
- Christina Crowe
Spring is on the Horizon
March 20 marks the official end of winter in the Northern hemisphere! Time for daylight savings and to get ready for spring! I, for one, am ready for the warmer weather; this winter seemed abnormally cold to me.
I have been getting my seed catalogs in the mail and am planning what to plant in my garden this year. Tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, celery and garlic are at the top of the list. I am even going to try an avocado tree this year since I eat one everyday as part of my healthy fat intake. This will also be the first year that our kiwi vines will produce fruit, I can’t wait! Now if my fig trees would just grow a bit faster, I’d be in heaven.
All kinds of interesting things happen in March: March 2nd marks Dr. Suess's 115th birthday, you can see the last supermoon of 2019, celebrate Mardi Gras and St. Patrick’s Day. It’s Women's History Month, National Nutrition Month, American Red Cross Month and Fire Prevention Month. And if you’re into basketball, there is March Madness!
No wonder they say March comes in like a lion!
- Amy Gard
February is the month of love!

February is the month for lover’s they say; and also, for some very cold weather! I love cats, my family, my friends, cheese and chocolate! And in an effort to stay on track with my ‘living healthy’ resolution, I thought I would share some alternative gift ideas for Valentine’s Day, you know, besides chocolate!
UB Toner (it’s on sale now on Amazon!) I have been working out with my UB Toner about 5 times per week because since I have been on my weight loss journey, the flabby skin around my arms have become more like bat wings! I noticed they were getting more toned after only a couple of weeks of using the toner, so remember, only 10 minutes a day can help with your bat wings!
Wine of the Month Club
Name a Star for your loved one
Couple’s Spa day
Cook a favorite meal together
The possibilities are endless. And if you must have chocolate, I saw a 2-foot long chocolate bar at the store the other day!!
Whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day or not, it’s a good idea to treat yourselves to something awesome every now and again.
Happy New Year!
This is the time of year when we reflect on the past and let me tell you, 2018 was a whirlwind of a year for me! In December 2017 I was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time. In January I had a double mastectomy; February through July I went through chemo and today I am, thankfully, cancer-free. Of my 9 grandchildren, two of them became teenagers! Where does the time go?
This year I also decided to change my life for the better heath-wise. I changed my diet (no sugar or processed foods) and have lost 27 pounds so far! I also incorporated exercise, which is not my favorite thing, but when you can use the UB Toner sitting on the couch or talking on the phone in your PJ’s it is easy to do and only takes a few minutes per day. If I can do it, anyone can!
I hope when you reflect on this past year, you are proud of your accomplishments, no matter how big or small. I hope you are happy and healthy and ready to tackle the new year with vim and vigor.
I am thankful to be alive, healthy and to be able to share my stories with all of you.
Thank you and Happy New Year!
- Amy Gard
- Tags: change fitness health health-wise healthy reflect success thankful ub toner vim and vigor