Exercises & Instructional Videos

Ten Minutes a Day is all it Takes.

By following our four simple exercises, getting the results you want couldn't be any easier. By completing three sets of ten repetitions with each of our exercises, you'll be showing off your new UB Toner™ body in a matter of weeks. However, don't push yourself too far - simply do what you can three days a week, and you'll begin to notice a difference, and increase your repetitions over time. For more information, please visit our FAQ. As with any new exercise program, consult with your health care professional before beginning a UB Toner™ program. 

If you misplaced your included UB Toner™ exercise chart, or if you'd simply like to take a look at just how the device works and everything you can do with it, Lise Amy's exercise chart is available here for download. 

The UB Toner™ simply works - it's clinically proven to lift your breasts and sculpt your upper arms, and get you a more youthful look. Our UB Toner™ demo shows you exactly how it works. We've also included some great videos from some of our biggest supporters!