The UB Toner Blog — summer


Enjoying the Bounty

I can’t believe the back-to-school ads are on TV already! Where does the time go? While I don’t have small children at home anymore, mine are grown with children of their own, I am not ready for the slow slide into fall yet.

I am still harvesting blueberries and raspberries, patiently waiting for green beans and artichokes, and weeding…always weeding the garden. I love this time of year!

I am a two-time breast cancer survivor. Gardening has saved me in so many ways. It’s my quiet place, my thinking place, my play with my seven cats outside place. Most importantly it is my way to live a healthy life. Eating whole foods, eliminating sugars and processed foods and staying in shape is how I live my life now. And I feel great!

Wherever you are in your life, enjoy the small things; a beautiful sunny day, the smell of fresh flowers growing, eating fresh fruits and veggies from your garden to nourish your body, being with your family.

Enjoy the bounty life has put in front of you!


Summer is just around the corner


With the first official day of summer right around the corner, we are all very excited to switch up our wardrobes and settle into the easy lifestyles that warm weather can bring. The summer season is known for it’s fun, relaxed and care-free attitude, but that one thing that we should try not to relax on this summer is our health and fitness regime. In fact, this season could be the perfect time to start a new one! Did you know it only takes a few weeks to create a new habit?

Why not get in the habit of starting to use your UB Toner each day. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Using your UB Toner for just ten minutes a day following these four easy exercises can tone your upper body and make you look and feel great in your favorite summer outfits.

Try incorporating your UB Toner regime into into your morning routine, or pulling it out when you are watching Netflix in the evening. You could even bring it to your child’s soccer or baseball practice and use it on as you cheer them on from the sidelines. The UB Toner is small, portable and can be used anywhere, even on your summer vacations.

Incentive yourself and make your summer work outs more fun by giving yourself rewards like buying some cool workout or tech fitness gear or maybe plan a BBQ with friends at the end of a long week.

Here’s to summer, fitness and being healthy all season long!