The Full UB Treatment.


Here at UB Toner, we're dedicated to ensuring you're getting the full upper body advantage - our programs and products are designed to help you quickly and effectively reach your goals of a lifted and youthful chest area, as well as firmer upper arms. We offer methods to do just that and more through our UB Toner, our signature Lise Amy's Neck to Cleavage Firming Cream, and our Lise Amy's Upper Arm Firming Gel. 

We're offering our complete UB Toner package at the best possible price - and it's the deal that will quickly help you achieve the results you want. With the UB Toner, our helpful exercise guide, along with both our creams - both containing Elastone, you simply won't find a better deal for the complete upper body workout. You'll be working your triceps, biceps, pectorals, deltoids and laterals together to give you the full upper body advantage.

The Complete UB Toner Package is also coming to Amazon shortly - so stay tuned!

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  • Ian Templin