The UB Toner Blog


Habits are the Key To Success

Fall is such a beautiful time of year. For many, it’s a time to re-start and get back into routine after carefree and casual summers. When it comes to fitness, routine really is the trick to staying on track. Once something has become a habit, it is harder to allow our brains to make excuses not to do it. 


Our Summer Update.

It’s been such an exciting summer for us here at UB Toner - and it’s all thanks to you. Your support and feedback has helped make everything we’ve done possible, and we couldn’t be any more thankful to have you here with us. We’ve come a long way over the last few years, and we can’t wait to see what the future has in store.

We’ve built an amazing community with your help – people of all walks of life have come together to join the UB Toner community. We’ve been thrilled to see the feedback we’ve had, and we’re always glad to hear suggestions.

We’re excited to announce that the UB Toner is also now available through the Etailz storefront on Amazon, and we’re extremely excited to be working with such a great group of people. Based out of Spokane, Etailz are the premier online marketplace experts – including their own Amazon storefront.

Here is the UB Toner’s new listing through the Etailz storefront:

We’ve also made some great new friends who have had the chance to try the UB Toner – and what they’ve written has left us speechless.

Ady of Verbal Gold Blog recently gave the UB Toner a try, and she says “This little gadget packs a punch. You can definitely feel the burn when you are using it at the maximum resistance. You’re able to do 4 different exercises in just 10 minutes a day! Super easy to fit in while traveling.”

If you’d like to read the rest of the blog, or if you’d like to see more from Verbal Gold Blog, click here:

Taylor Walker of Taylor Walker Fit has also used the UB Toner, and it’s safe to say she’s enjoying it. We’re really excited to see her getting results! She says “I was pleasantly surprised with how fast I felt my upper body working. The resistance is attainable yet challenging.”

Here’s a link to Taylor’s blog, if you’d like to have a look:

She even made a video about it – and it looks great! We’re thrilled with the results.

Ady and Taylor aren’t the only ones who have fallen in love with the UB Toner. We have several more on our Facebook page, take a look and give us a like here:

Thank you so much for being here with us. It’s been an incredible ride, and we’re thrilled to have you here.

  • Ian Templin

Spring to-dos

Here we are again - time to change our clocks and wardrobes and trade in our winter jackets and boots for sweaters and cute open-toed shoes. But there’s something special about this particular season change, unlike the cold breezes of fall and the inevitable dreariness that winter brings, springtime promises a sense of renewed anticipation - the guarantee of ever-growing days, warmer weather and the lazy days of summer just around the corner.

It’s an exciting time of year and with it comes a lift in our energy levels and a chance to renew both our physical spaces and our bodies. Not sure where to start, don’t worry we’ve got you covered.

Here are 5 things to Focus your Health and Fitness efforts on this Spring:

  1. Spring clean with essential oils. What better way to say spring then with the refreshing scents of lemon, grapefruit, lavender or orange. Staying away from the chemicals that store-bought cleaners contain is great for our bodies, not to mention the health benefits you may actually receive from using nature’s great-smelling products. A quick search on Pinterest or Google will have you making and creatively using your own cleaning products in minutes.
  2. Commit to consume more local foods. While some climates don’t allow for us to graze off the lands we live in the colder months of the year, the warm breezes of spring remind us that eating local is possible and in the best interest of our health. Seasonal fruits and vegetables offer more flavour and value for your wallet. This spring, visit your local supermarket or farmer’s market and treat yourself to the produce that was out-of-season or too costly to purchase all winter.
  3. Venture outside. No one can argue the benefits of plain old walking. It is great for your cardiovascular system and burns calories. To keep it exciting, make an effort to change up your route each time you get out and explore areas of your neighbourhood you’ve never noticed before. Walk, rather than drive, to run your local errands, take your kids to soccer or get your morning coffee. Your body will appreciate not only the exercise it is getting but also all the extra fresh air.
  4. Mediate to de-stress. You don’t have to commit to large amounts of time to set aside to focus on clearing your mind and paying attention to your breathing, even a few minutes every hour can be enough to de-stress. What does matter is giving yourself these undivided moments throughout the day to clear your mind. Find moments throughout your busy day to sit in silence, close your eyes and focus on pulling breaths of air down into your belly. Start slow and you will begin to experience a more calming attitude and increased focus on your daily tasks, in no time.
  5. Commit to a quick 10 minute daily exercise routine. Can anyone of us really say that we can’t find an extra 10 minutes in our day?. If we start with a small goal of adding only 10 minutes - over the course of the week this could equate into over an hour of additional exercise (and up to 500 extra calories burned)! It takes 21 days to create a habit, so committing to just 10 minutes daily early on in the spring season will get you on the right track. Some days you may even find the time and energy to dedicate more time. Examples of quick, effective 10 min workouts that can be done anywhere can be found here. 

Image credit to Rohantime. 

  • Christina Crowe

The Power of Sharing Works.

We are knee deep in the month of February. The month known to celebrate love and companionship. As part of our tribute to the month of love, we ran a contest this month that awarded the lucky winner a new UB Toner. Many of you who visit this blog, already own a UB Toner and are therefore aware of all of its upper body firming benefits, but have you shared these benefits with the ones you love?

Getting fit is always easier when you get your friends involved. It holds you accountable, adds a social element to your workouts and helps you stay on track. Using the UB Toner and it’s accompanying exercise routines to tone your upper body is no exception - it’s much more fun when get your friends involved!

Since the UB Toner is a portable fitness device that can be used virtually anywhere, this might mean incorporating one of the 10 minute exercise routines into your regular coffee date with a friend. Or perhaps it simply entails sending others a picture or text message of your recent workout, encouraging (or maybe friendly challenging) them to try it out for themselves.

Workout apps such as RunKeeper, Nike+, Aptiv Fitness and even the Fitbit tracker all allow for the ability to “share” your recent workout or health goal. The popularity of this feature lies in the fact that seeing your friend’s progress is motivating - for all parties involved. The one who has shared their progress feels good about the fact that they are putting their health first and finds comfort in the positive comments they may receive from doing so, whereas those who view the post may be inspired to embark on their own fitness journey, conquer that workout they have been putting off all day or make a better choice in the kitchen that evening.

The power of sharing works.

And, although you may never know if you succeeded in inspiring others, wearing your own fitness accomplishments with pride feels good, which is a huge part of why we have entered on this fitness journey in the first place.

Image via Getty Images.

  • Ian Templin

Imagine if..

If there is anything 2016 has taught us, it’s that life is busy. The latest technology trends are allowing us to cram more and more into each day. From apps that create meal plans, the ability to order our groceries online, to the extreme popularity of fitness trackers that remind us how active we have been for the day - times are changing. And the way we think about our sweat sessions, should be no exception.

Workout apps were named by Pop Sugar as one of the number one fitness trends to watch out for in 2017.  As Pop Sugar writes “2017 users are needing convenient, do-whenever, wherever-you-are workouts”.

The creators of the popular Beachbody home fitness programs are keeping up with the times with their online program (think Netflix, but  fitness). For an annual fee you get access to stream their fitness programs from anywhere in the world, making it virtually inexcusable to miss a workout.

And that’s how exercise should be.

Fast, easy and something we make part of our DAILY routines, no matter where we are or what we are doing.  Much like our bodies crave nourishment and sleep, they also require themselves to be worked, each and every day! But, this doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

Imagine if we stopped thinking about fitness as a “nice to do” and began to think about it as a “have to do”. Gyms and group fitness classes are a great way to socialize, switch up our routines and have some fun, but they can’t be relied upon to fulfil the fitness needs our bodies require on a daily basis. It just isn’t realistic for most people.

These are the philosophies that I used when I created the UB Toner and why I have successfully been able to make using it a part of my daily routine. Whether it be used as a warm-up to my golf game, something I do before I take my dogs for a walk or a prequel to my run, the UB Toner is there to contribute 10 quick minutes of exercise into my routine each day.

I don’t believe fitness is something we need to “resolve” to do each January or take on for a set period of time - it’s simply a part of my daily life.

Are you ready to join our community and “resolve” not to have to resolve anymore?

Lise Amy

UB Toner Creator and Founder

  • Ian Templin